Posts in Dental Care
Crowns, Bridges, and Veneers
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If you have a tooth with extensive damage or decay you may need more than just a filling to fix it. Crowns, bridges, and veneers are custom fabricated to repair a significantly damaged tooth. Crowns are used to cover and protect a tooth and bridges are used to replace a missing tooth. Veneers are used to restore damaged or discolored teeth in the front of your mouth. These restorations look and feel like natural teeth.


A crown is sometimes referred to as a “cap”. It is custom fabricated to fit over the remaining tooth structure or implant.


 The cavity is removed and the tooth is reduced to allow room for the new crown in your bite

 A mold of the tooth is taken

 We choose a color to match your other teeth

 We make a temporary crown for you to wear while your custom crown is made at a lab

 You return in about two weeks to have your permanent crown cemented in



If a tooth is missing an implant is our first choice but it’s not the only choice. There are several reasons you may choose a bridge instead. A bridge consists of two “caps” fused to a “fake” tooth in between. If the two teeth on either side of the space have extensive decay or damage a bridge is a good choice. The procedure for a bridge is very similar to the procedure for a crown.



Veneers are a good option to make cosmetic changes to your smile. They can fix the appearance of discolored,  misshapen, or chipped teeth. Veneers are custom fabricated at the lab to make your smile as white and bright as you want!


If you are missing several teeth it may affect how you look and feel.  You may not be able to enjoy the foods you love.  You may have sunken cheeks and a collapsed look to your jaw.  Dentures can help!  There are a few different types of dentures.  We will help you choose the best option for you.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are made when there are a few remaining teeth for the appliance to “hook” onto.  This type of denture will be custom designed around your existing teeth.


Complete or "Full" Dentures

If you are missing all of your natural teeth we will fabricate a complete or “full “ denture.  This type of denture wraps around your remaining gums.


Either type of denture may be anchored with a connection to a dental implant. This makes the dentures much more stable and comfortable.


We always do everything we can to keep your natural teeth.

Unfortunately there are times when we have to remove a tooth. If a tooth has been severely fractured, decayed, or loosened by periodontal disease we may be unable to fix it.

The removal of a tooth is always considered oral surgery.  We can perform many of these extractions in our office under local anesthesia.

A lost tooth can be replaced with an implant, a bridge, or a denture.  Dr. Keegan will help you understand and choose the best solution.


Fillings and Sealants
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Fillings are used to repair small cavities and correct minor cosmetic damage.  It is important to remove any cavities from your mouth so they don’t spread to your other teeth.  We offer “tooth colored” or composite resin fillings.


Composite Resin

Composite resin is a natural looking material made from synthetic resin.  This type of filling is bonded to the tooth so we don’t have to drill away as much tooth structure.  Composite resin can also be used to fix minor chips, gaps, and exposed roots.  We use a reinforced type of composite resin in the back teeth for added strength.




A sealant is a thin, plastic coating painted on the chewing surface of your back teeth.  Sealants act as a barrier to help prevent cavities.  These are especially important for children.  We recommend dental sealants on all permanent molars in children.


A dental implant is the ideal way to replace missing teeth.

A dental implant is composed of two parts which are placed in separate appointments:  an artificial root and an artificial tooth.

The root portion is made of titanium and is surgically placed in your jaw to replace the existing root.

After you heal from the surgery we place a customized crown and connector piece or “abutment” to your new "root".  The abutment and crown replace the tooth portion that you see when you look in your mouth. 


What makes implants so great?

They look and feel like natural teeth

They don't get cavities

You can eat the foods you love


Dental CareAlexa Keegan